
If you are the person holding the camera, as I usually am, you invariably end up with very few photos of yourself. Well, occasionally I get ones looking like this – not very flattering but it shows off the hard work.


Recently though, these last few months, I seem to be accumulating portraits of myself.  Some through my own handiwork – self portraits, some through others – which is far easier. But none the less – the photographer may have just been converted to being the photographeeeee.

This is one I quite like, taken along the river, next to Crown Casino. I like the colours.


For a while now I have wanted to take some yoga shots of myself. I had a few goes but boy is it hard. If taking normal photos of yourself is hardwork, try taking one where you have to get into a headstand then hold still all in 10 seconds (auto timer on the camera)!!!! haha now that is a challenge. Fortunately I wised up after several attempts, I had Chen take the shots.


I also managed to get some shots outdoors, this time I had Kendall taking the shots. Poor Kendall had to get way down low and up high for some of these.

Wide leg side bend

These ones seem to work better in Black and White, maybe because of the location. The grass is no longer green, because we have recently had some very hot days, they have turned dry and brown.

Parivrtta Trikonasana

I love this anklet that I bought from India, hahahaha here it is focused.

Prasarita Padottanasana

This next one is probably my favourite, why? hahahaha because i keep wanting to get shots that are a little bit distorted. If my feet can look bigger it would have been better (not often what you would hear someone say, I am sure)


I must say, visualising the shots is one thing, capturing them is another matter all together. Firstly there is my physical ability in getting into and holding the postures, then there is also our collective capabilities/incapabilities in working our gear to capture what I want. Hmmm quite challenging indeed. But good fun, at least that is what I thought, not sure what Kendall thought. 🙂

Many thanks to my photographers, my photo album is getting thicker. Yea!!!

2 responses to “Portraits”

  1. » 10 years flew by Chen Chen's

    […] I have been waiting for her to start taking portraits and finally the time has come. Take a look at Pei’s blog to see some really nice portraits of […]

  2. Wah

    I like!

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