Melbourne skyline

As I have been saying, it has been cold. I have not gone out to photograph anything. I did manage to take a few photos recently when the sky was rather dramatic, just from the balcony. Hahahaha I know, I admit I am a lazy photographer.

Here is one, where I had a go at adjusting the perspective to straighten the building.

Melbourne, westward


This next one, I tried adjusting the perspective but I ended up preferring it without the adjustment, feels like the sky is more dramatic that way.

Melbourne, also looking west, Crown Casino in the foreground


I found some old photos that I thought I would get some extra mileage from. Here is one taken on Australia Day a few years ago, just before the fireworks. It is a pedestrian bridge across The Yarra River, in the background you can see the clock tower of Flinder’s Street Station.

pedestrian bridge across The Yarra


I got a few more shots that night, from this bridge. This one is looking towards Federation Square, with Southgate on the right.

The Yarra, looking towards Swanston Street Bridge


Here is another that I quite like that I have turned into black and white.

The Yarra


This one is from the river bank looking towards Flinder’s Street Station and the CBD beyond.

looking across The Yarra towards Flinder’s Street Station

These are the views that are near or from the apartment. I should take more photographs I guess, since we only have a year long lease for the apartment. Hopefully it warms up soon and I will go click click click.



6 responses to “Melbourne skyline”

  1. Kendall Lister

    Your first photo is really nice – we should print it large!

  2. Felix

    Some of the best photos are from the most extremes of weather.

    Beautiful Shots!

  3. Chen Chen

    Oh… I prefer the second shot. Very dramatic.

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