Malaysians are more than used to having to share their houses with the “cicak” (chi chuck) or lizards/geckos. In fact you are probably only a true Malaysian once you have had a lizard inadvertently fall on you!!!! They fall with a thud, and most of the time just scurry away, but sometimes perhaps panicked themselves, they freeze and you are left wondering what that was until you realise screaming that there is a lizard on you, by which time the lizard would have recovered enough to scurry away.
Yesterday, I found an altogether different type of gecko lizard just outside the kitchen. It was about a foot long and sunbathing. I thought I wouldn’t be able to get any photos worth anything because it was sitting in very hot very harsh sun. I was surprised in some of the photos there were still quite a lot of details captured.
this is definately an iguana pei pei, people buy them with high price as a pet thou…you are lucky to have one for free ^_^
Yes, I hadnt realised how lucky. 🙂